Mark Raidpere’s solo exhibition ”Isolator” (curated by Hanno Soans) represented Estonia at Palazzo Malipiero, S. Marco 3079, from 12.05-6.11.2005.

Mark Raidpere, “Voiceover”, video, 2005
Gints Gabrāns’ solo exhibition “Apparent / Invisible. The Island of Perception” was opened on 11th March 2005 in Rotermann’s Salt Storage. The artist also received the Hansabank Annual Art Award. The show was open until 3rd of April, 2005.
In previous years Hansabank Annual Art Award has been given to Marko Laimre (2000), Ene-Liis Semper (2001) ja Marko Mäetamm (2002) and Artūras Raila (2003).
Indrek Neivelt from Hansapanga Group, Gints Gabrāns and the head of CCA, Estonia Sirje Helme at Rotermann’s salt Storage 11.03.2005
Gints Gabrāns with the work "Rainbow" at Rotermann’s Salt Storage 11.03.2005
Gints Gabrāns, “Imploding Priest”, installation, 2004
Gints Gabrāns, “The Fog Centre”, installation, 2005

Gints Gabrāns, “Intake of Darkness”, installation, 2005
Een affaire met de stad / Linnajuhtum / Ein städtisches Abenteuer / An Urban Affair
Maastricht, Salzburg, Tallinn
Trichtlinnburg Tallinn
May 5 - May 15, 2005
The Tallinn project interprets and deals with the city's historical heritage and authentic local environment while taking into account the aspects and conditions of the binary oppositions of preservation/ development and mass tourism. Art projects and publications enter into dialogue with the public and consider possibilities of local life and connections between art and city environment. They pose questions on the relations between the subject and the other and expand on the position of art in society at large and in public space.
Our heritage is expressed and passed on in the form of products, performances and services offered to visitors and tourists. Local inhabitants and tourists can have a quite different attitude to and understanding of these products. What locals may consider an instance of their heritage can be less than attractive to the visitor. Places that carry meaning to citizens of Tallinn are silently but decidedly turned into supermarkets or parking space. The city does not affect the market; on the contrary, the market shapes the city. The enormous expansion of the tourist industry manifests itself in the number of new hotels, alcohol shops, casinos and souvenir shops that are labelled "national handicraft" (and that have little to do with genuine Estonian handicraft). The old town of Tallinn is sold as a theme park. What is the price we have to pay?
The events in Tallinn can be divided into three groups:
- Hobusepea Gallery (Hobusepea St. 2) will be turned into an "Observer of Tallinn" that host a film programme, screening feature and documentary films, artists' videos and children's films on Tallinn, and photo exhibition.
- Several art projects will be organized in Tallinn's tourist places- the Town Hall Square, shopping centres and Kopli. The project reaches beyond the medieval city of Tallinn as well: special walks to Kalamaja, Lasnamägi or Paljassaare are organized.
- A publication entitled Tallinn Practices will become available; it contains textual and visual works on Tallinn by cultural people from Estonia and abroad.
The programme in Tallinn is organized by the Center for Contemporary Arts, Estonia
Participating artists and contributors to the publication: Silja Saarepuu and Villu Plink, Kaarel Kurismaa, Mari Sobolev, Jüri Ojaver, Eriks Božis, August Künnapu and Jasper Zoova, Students of Interdisciplinary Department of Estonian Academy of Arts; Clare Thomson, Johannes Deimling, Charlotte Eliasson, Giedre Bartelt, Paul Raspotnig, David Bate, Anu Pennanen, Hasso Krull, Mats Eriksson, Ebba Moi, Arne Maasik, Mart Viljus.
The opening ceremony of Trichtlinnburg in Tallinn, Hobusepea St. 2