- Raul Keller in Modern Art Oxford, England
- Meeland Sepp and Erik Alalooga in gallery Mitte, Basel, Switzerland
- Mark Raidpere - Videos. Platform Garanti CAC, Istambul, Turkey
- Marko Mäetamm’s solo exhibition in Artists´ Studio, London
- Kristina Norman in Modern Art Oxford, England
- Mark Raidpere at Frieze Art Fair 2006 Collecting Point
- Jaan Toomik in 47th October Salon., Belgrad, Cultural Centre, Serbia
- Mark Raidpere in CAMERA AUSTRIA, Graz, Austria
- Jaan Toomik on the IV Festival of Art of Light “LichtRouten”, Lüdenscheid, Germany
- Villu Jaanisoo “Ilmestys”, Galleria Sculptor, Helsinki, Finland
- VI international performance and experimental art festival “Empty Spaces And Their Occupants”, St. Petersburg, Manezh
- Alice Kask, Sirja-Liisa Vahtra, Liina Siib, Marko Mäetamm in Rauma biennaal Wake UP!
- Jaan Toomik in Firenze
- “Videoart from The Baltics. Scene: Estland, Lettland, Litauen” in Kunstraum Düsseldorf, Germany
- “Mit allem rechen / face the unexpected. Medienkunst aus Estland, Lettland und Litauen.” in Museum am Ostwald, Dortmund
- Mark Raidpere at “Metaphysics of Youth” in Pescara, Italy
- “Emergency Biennale” in Tallinn
- Jaan Toomik at the 4th Berlin Biennial (bb4) “Of Mice and Men”
- “Handscapes” (Jüri Ojaver, Alice Kask, Ülle Marks, Jüri Kass) at United Nations' headquarters, New York
- Liina Siib’s “Eye Strip” at the Giedre Bartelt Gallery, Berlin
29.11. 2006 Raul Keller’s workshop-presentation in a program “Arrivals” in Modern Art Oxford, England.

16.11.-03.12.2006 Erik Alalooga’s and Meeland Sepp’s sculpture exhibition “Esst Ethnische pasteten in Estnischen nischen!” in gallery Mitte, Basel, Switzerland, which was a part of festival “Culturescapes Estonia”.

08.11.-09.12.2006 Mark Raidpere - Videos. Platform Garanti CAC, Istambul, Turkey.
07.11.-10.12. 2006 Marko Mäetamm’s solo exhibition in Artists´ Studio, London, 64 Pont Street.

03.11. 2006-07.01. 2007 Kristina Norman’s solo exhibition in a program “Arrivals” in Modern Art Oxford, England. An artist talk, conducted by Hanno Soans, also took place.

12.10.-15.10.2006 Mark Raidpere - Frieze Art Fair 2006 Collecting Point, Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Centre/Frieze Projects.
29.09.-01.10.2006 Jaan Toomik participating in an international group exhibition “Art, Life & Confusion”, 47th October Salon. Belgrad, Cultural Centre, Serbia. Curators: René Block, Barbara Heinrich.
Artists: Ana Adamović, Abidin Adel, Lucas Ajemian, Victor Alimpiev, Hüseyin Alpetkin, Halil Altindere, Radoś Antonijević, Srdan Arsić, Art Fun Club, Maja Bajević, Christiane Baumgartner, Joseph Beuys, Claus Böhmler, KP Brehmer, Candice Breitz, Birgit Brenner, Joan Brossa, Elina Brotherus, Sophie Calle, Paolo Canevari, Mircea Cantor, Jovan Ćekić, Olga Chernysheva, Aladin Bugi Ćorović, Alexandra Croitoru, Jacob Dahlgren, Aleksandar Dimitrijević, Braco Dimitrijević, Elis Eriksson, Matias Faldbakken, Jakup Ferri, Felix Gmelin, Goksoyr & Martens, Ion Grigorescu, Asta Gröting, Edi Hila, Kim Hiorthoy, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Gabriele Jerke, Jirrawun Girls, Oliver Kochta Kalleinen, Marja Kanervo, Aino Kannisto, Sanna Kannisto, Allan Kaprow, Gülsün Karamustafa, Dorota Kenderov´a, Kimsooja, Vojislav Klaćar, Jens Kloppmann, Nataśa Kokić, Jaroslav Kozlowski, Susanne Kutter, Raakel Kuukka, Rosemary Laing, Peter Land, Robert Macpherson, David Maljković, Christian Marclay, Vlado Martek, Ana Martinović, Olaf Metzel, Milen Miltchev, Mihael Milunović, Aydan Murtezaoglu, Oliver Musovik, Zoran Naskovski, Vukaśin Nedeljković, Milan Neśić, Tatjana Neśović, Bjorn Norgaard, Année Olofsson, Nam June Paik, Dragan Papić, Dan Perjovchi, Finnbogi Pétursson, Yufen Qin, Aurora Reinhard, Mario Rizzi, Gerhard Rühm, Bülent Sangar, Carles Santos, Wael Shawky, Jari Silomäki, Tim Silver, Nedko Solakov, Nina/Miodrag Stanković, Mladen Stilinović, Talent Factory, Vibeke Tandberg, Sam Taylor-Wood, Dragoljub Raśa Todosijević, Jelena Tomaśević, Milica Tomić, Jaan Toomik, Endre Tot, Jalal Toufic, Anu Tuominen, Nasan Tur, Salla Tykkä, Roi Vaara, Vera Većanski, Radoś Vujaklija, Peter Weibel, Emmett Williams.
47th October Salon - art, life & confusion
organized in different museums, galleries and alternative spaces all over the city of Belgrade
23.09.-26.11.2006 “knowing you, knowing me. On Complicity with Images”, CAMERA AUSTRIA, Graz, Austria. Participant from Estonia: Mark Raidpere. Curators: Reinhard Braun, Maren Lübbke-Tidow.
knowing you, knowing me
Zur Komplizenschaft mit Bildern / On Complicity with Images
Eröffnung / opening: 23. 9. 2006
Ausstellungsdauer / duration: 24. 9. 2006 – 26. 11. 2006
Ort / location: Camera Austria, Kunsthaus Graz
Künstler Innen / Artists: Thomas Feuerstein (A), Andrea Geyer / Sharon Hayes (D/USA), G.R.A.M. (A), Rainer Oldendorf (D), Marco Poloni (CH), Mark Raidpere (EST)
Kuratori Innen / Curators: Reinhard Braun, Maren Lübbke-Tidow
Surveillance can be described not only as a strategy of control and discipline but also comprises a voyeuristic aspect, an at times obscene representational politics of the subject, in which public and private spheres are increasingly synchronized. Recording and enactment, surveillance and performativity are interrelated practices within a visual culture that increasingly comes to terms with images as technologies of self-publication. To what extent have we already internalized the power of images, so much that we are starting to identify with these representational mechanisms, as they seem to guarantee a possibility of participating in a culture of the public?
"knowing you, knowing me" presents works by artists who deploy photography as an accomplice for -- ironic, critical, subversive -- construction of realities; who operate with viewers knowledge of images that has always existed and that is constantly expanding, thus initiating a veritably collaborative process -- the construction of a reality that shifts the question of controlling images to new social terrains.
22.09.-01.10. 2006 Jaan Toomik on the IV Festival of Art of Light “LichtRouten”, Lüdenscheid, Germany. Curators: Bettina Belz, Tom Groll.
Lüdenscheid, September 22 to October 1, 2006
LichtRouten 2006
4th Festival of Art of Light and Lighting Design in Public Space
Architecture of Memento
LichtRouten 2006 broaches the issue of the cultural memory of a city and reaches out for new forms of its importance in public life and space. What should be remembered? How should a society be reminded of the past? Which role does memento play in the public life of a city?
More Information
Bettina Pelz (D)
Tom Groll (D)
Danica Dakic (HR/D)
Jean-Francois Guiton (F/D)
Ron Haselden (GB/F)
Thomas Köner (D)
molitor & kuzmin (D/RUS)
Mischa Kuball (D)
Christina Kubisch (D)
Xavier de Richemont (F)
Stefan Sous (D)
Jaan Toomik (EST)
13.09.-01.10.2006 Villu Jaanisoo’s solo exhibition “Ilmestys”, Galleria Sculptor, Helsinki, Finland.
12.08.-24.08.2006 VI international performance and experimental art festival “Empty Spaces And Their Occupants”, St. Petersburg, Manezh.
Participants from Estonia: Merike Estna, Sandra Jõgeva, Meelis Kaldalu, Raul Keller, Kiwa, Kaarel Kurismaa, Andres Lõo, Andrew McKenzie, Neformat, Kaido Ole, Martin Pedanik, Meeland Sepp, Maksim Surin, Toomas Thetloff, Margus Sorge Tiitsmaa, Timo Toots, Olematute Bändide Festival, Pink Punk (Sandra Jõgeva andKristin Kalamees), Kaarel Sammet, Aino Ingrid Sepp, C.n.o.p.t.
Compilers of program: Maksim Surin, Merike Estna, Andrew McKenzie.
Called artists in the project: Sami Hyrskylahti t, Jorge Piquer Rodriguez & Ana Cembrero, Ana Berkenhoff & Anselm Belser.
Rauma biennale Balticum 'Wake UP! '
10.07.–11.11. 2006
Participants from Estonia: Alice Kask, Sirja-Liisa Vahtra, Liina Siib, Marko Mäetamm.
The exhibition Rauma Biennale Balticum 2006 – Wake up! will be open from 10th July to 1st October 2006 in Rauma Art Museum in Rauma, Finland.
Rauma Art Museum has been organizing this biennial exhibition presenting contemporary art from the Baltic Sea area since 1985. From 1998 the exhibition has been a part of the Ars Baltica network.
The name of the next biennial is Wake up! The theme is about presence and consciousness, in both individual and social scope, from conceptual and meditative contents to social discussion and activism. Art can initiate processes of enlightening and becoming conscious, cast light to dimensions of reality left hitherto unnoticed, unveil visions of a better life or a deeper understanding. In addition to and entwined with utopian prospects, art is also a powerful means to produce tangible form to threats and dangers, otherwise possibly not so easily grasped. In our exhibition unfolding questions of life through art may be straightforward demonstration against social injustices or environmental threats as well as delicate narration glowing through complex layers of consciousness. Wake up! is about art of awakening operating between or beyond manifest and mystery. The works represent a variety of means including traditional tools of artistic expression and new media, environmental works and performances.
There will be a finnish-english illustrated exhibition catalogue with artist presentations and articles of exhibition. The patron of the biennial is Mr Hannu Saha, Arts Council of Finland.
Artists taking part in Rauma Biennale Balticum 2006 – Wake up!
Kathrine Ærtebjerg (Denmark), Catti Brandelius (Sweden), FFC / Factory of Found Clothes (Russia), Roman Dziadkiewicz (Poland), Gints Gabrans (Latvia), Hanna Jaanisoo (Finland), Kaarina Kaikkonen (Finland), Alice Kask (Estonia), Jacob Kierkegaard (Denmark), Markus Kåhre (Finland), Heidi Lunabba (Finland), Marko Mäetamm (Estonia), Anu Pennanen (Finland), Vitali Putshnitsky (Russia), Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen (Denmark), Ralf Schreiber (Germany), Liina Siib (Estonia), Laura Stasiulyte (Lithuania), Sirja-Liisa Vahtra (Estonia).
Curators: Janne Koski, Henna Paunu
21.06.-21.07. 2006 Jaan Toomik in Firenze, (Stazione Leopolda), Italy in a group show “Human Game. Winners and Losers”. Curators: Francesco Bonami, Maria Luisa Frisa, Stefano Tonchi.
18.05.–25.06. 2006 International group exhibition in Kunstraum Düsseldorf, Germany, “Videoart from The Baltics. Scene: Estland, Lettland, Litauen”
Participants from Estonia: Marko Mäetamm, Andres Maimik, Mark Raidpere, Killu Sukmit & Mari Laanemets, Jaan Toomik.
Kuratiert von / Curated by Gunnar Friel
Co-Curator: Michael Voets
Arturas Bumsteinas (LT) – Broks / Ziders (LV) – Gints Gabrans (LV) - Laura Garbstiene (LT) - Arunas Gudaitis (LT) – Kristina Inciuraite (LT) - Karolis Jankus (LT) – Ieva Jerohina (LV) – Marko Mäetamm (EST) - Andres Maimik (EST) – Liga Marcinkevica (LV) – Katrina Neiburga (LV) - Reinis Petersons (LV) – Mark Raidpere (EST) – Laura Stasiulyte (LT) - Killu Sukmit / Mari Laanemets (EST) – Jaan Toomik (EST)
14.05.-23.07. 2006 International group exhibition in Museum am Ostwald, Dortmund, “Mit allem rechen / face the unexpected. Medienkunst aus Estland, Lettland und Litauen.”
Participants from Estonia: Killu Sukmit, Mari Laanemets, Tiia Johanson, Kai Kaljo, Raivo Kelomees, Eleonore de Montesquieu, Mark Raidpere, Jaan Toomik.
06.05.-06.07. 2006 Mark Raidpere at the international group exhibition “Metaphysics of Youth” in Pescara, Italy.
26.04.2006 The artists of group exhibition “Violence and Propaganda” and Tallinn Art Hall hosted an international travelling exhibition supporting Chechen people entitled “Emergency Biennale”, which took along works by such Estonian artists Neeme Külm, Marco Laimre, Marko Mäetamm and Jüri Ojaver.
25.03.-28.05.2006. Jaan Toomik at the 4th berlin biennial (bb4) “Of Mice and Men”, curators Maurizio Cattelan, Massimiliano Gioni, Ali Subotnick.
The exhibition Of Mice and Men unravels as a novel, a story involving different characters and individualities, dissecting their private destinies and universal fears. In order to capture and amplify these tensions, the curators of the 4th berlin biennial have selected an array of unusual venues and exhibition sites, all concentrated along one street, Auguststrasse in the Mitte district, in the heart of Berlin.
Taking its title from a poem by 18th century Scottish writer Robert Burns – who also inspired John Steinbeck’s 1937 novel of the same name – Of Mice and Men stages a theater of the absurd, in which animals, humans and ghosts all play their tragic parts.
Participating artists:
Abts, Tomma Abts; Viktor Alimpiev, Pawel Althamer, Kai Althoff, Kai and Lutz Braun, Ulf Aminde, Micol Assaël, Roger Ballen, Thomas Bayrle, Michael Beutler, Michael Borremans, Bouchet, Tobias Buche, Anthony Burdin, Mircea Cantor, Bruce Conner, Benjamin Cottam, Martin Creed, Oliver Croy and Oliver Elser, Roberto Cuoghi, Tacita Dean, Jeremy Deller, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Gino De Dominicis, Nathalie Djurberg, Trisha Donnelly, Marcel van Eeden, Saul Fletcher, Roland Flexner, Felix Gmelin, Aneta Grzeszykowska, Sebastian Hammwöhner, Sebastian / Dani Jakob / Gabriel Vormstein, Rachel Harrison, Pravdoljub Ivanov, Sergej Jensen, Dorota Jurczak, Tadeusz Kantor, Ian Kiaer, Christopher Knowles, Robert Kuśmirowski, Erik van Lieshout, Klara Liden, Jan Mančuška, Mike Mandel and Larry Sultan, Mark Manders, Kris Martin, Paul McCarthy, Corey McCorkle, Michaela Meise, Matthew Monahan, Otto Mühl, Bruce Nauman, Damian Ortega, Diego Perrone, Susan Philipsz, Jorge Queiroz, Reynold Reynolda and Patric Jolley, Ricarda Roggan, Aida Ruilova, Anri Sala, Markus Schinwald, Michael Schmidt, Thomas Schütte, Norbert Schwontkowski, Tino Sehgal, Shirana Shahbazi, Steven Shearer, Florian Slotawa, Christiana Soulou, Jaan Toomik, Paloma Varga Weisz, Gillian Wearing, Clemens von Wedemeyer and Maya Schweizer, Andro Wekua, Cathy Wilkes, Francesca Woodman, Thomas Zipp.
The curators of the 4th berlin biennial, Maurizio Cattelan, Massimiliano Gioni and Ali Subotnick, have chosen to present the show, entitled “Of Mice and Men,” in a variety of untraditional locations. This edition of the berlin biennial will take place in both public and private spaces, all located on one street, Auguststraße, in Berlin’s Mitte district.
23.02–17.03.2006 “Handscapes” exhibition featuring Estonian artists Jüri Ojaver, Alice Kask, Ülle Marks, Jüri Kass at UNITED NATIONS’ headquarters, New York.
An exhibition entitled Handscapes will open on Thursday, 23 February at 6 p.m. in the South Gallery of the General Assembly Visitors’ Lobby. This exhibit commemorates the sixtieth anniversary of the United Nations and marks the fifteenth year of Estonia’s United Nations membership.
As the motto -- Hand in hand, in unanimity, hope is created -- conveys, the exhibit presents a collection of photographs, paintings and installations depicting images of hands, ending in the formation of hand landscapes -- Handscapes -- that symbolizes the power of unity.
The Estonian artists featured in this exhibit -- Jüri Ojaver, Ülle Marks, Jüri Kass and Alice Kask -- belong to different generations and use a variety of techniques to express the same image. Jüri Ojaver is a well-known artist whose installations are based on intuition and inspired by his medium of choice. Ülle Marks and Jüri Kass demonstrate post-modern landscapes, using the human body to form mountains and dells, ridges and open countries. Alice Kask is a young Estonian artist whose paintings reveal a profound and figurative representation of the human figure.
The exhibit is organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia and the Permanent Mission of Estonia to the United Nations, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of Estonia and the Center of Contemporary Arts, Estonia, under the patronage of Ingrid Rüütel, First Lady of Estonia.
20.01-18.03.2006 Liina Siib’s solo exhibition “Eye Strip” at the Giedre Bartelt Gallery, Berlin.
Liina Siib / Eye Strip
Giedre Bartelt Galerie. Linienstr. 161/ Ecke Kleine Hamburger Str., 10115 Berlin.
20th January – 18th March 2006. Opening hours: Tuesday – Saturday 2.00 – 6.00 pm
Preview: Friday, 20th January 6.00 – 9.00 pm
Catalogue available (among others with a text by Jan Kaus)
Liina Siib (*1963, Tallinn) is one of the first artists in Estonia who started to use digitally treated photographs. From the very beginning, her “topic” has been the deeper facets of human nature, the complicated relations between childhood and the world of adults. Liina Siib penetrates ever deeper into those concealed facets, creating more multi-layered and elaborate systems of allusions. She has chosen to cast a closer look at one savoury moment– a child’s wish to become an adult as soon as possible, and the images that childhood presents as the grown-up world. Profound sadness can sometimes be glimpsed on these pictures – an adult’s submission to laws that cannot be changed, and an inability to comfort children in their activity and games.
Digital treatment has provided Siib’s photos with a special dimension of reality, a kind of space. It differentiates them already by their visual perception from the so-called documentary art, and from the world that fixes the everyday life impartially. It is still not the matter of created reality versus the actual reality. Like so many things in Liina Siib’s work, the notion ‘reality’, too, moves on the border where the different sides have not been precisely determined.
Sirje Helme, Director of Kumu – new main building of Art Museum of Estonia
Liina Siib about “Movie Posters“: 'The posters of the project “Movie Posters“ (2001-2004) advertise films and film characters that do not exist. Each poster is provided with a sentence summarizing the film. The posters interpret different film genres like action, horror, documentary, neorealist drama, gay & lesbian, musical, romance etc. The unfulfilled dreams of people are realised in fairy tales or films of different genres as if by magic, the story simulates perfection. Viewers are given the chance to identify with likeable characters. The posters base on archive of photographs taken by author in different parts of our world. '
Liina Siib about “The Fig Leaf“: 'The series “The Fig Leaf“ (2002/ 2004) examines cultural conventions, presenting a photographic herbarium' of marble or plaster fig leaves, including examples from the public places or museums and parks in Tallinn and London. A figleaf was added to the sculptures in order to protect the viewer from seeing the discreet places of naked figures. The conventionality of exposure in public places is associated with the still existing class ideology, although considering the specifics of different sculptures (emperor, young girl, ancient Greek god), the fig leaves positioned over the private parts are today rather protecting the sculptures from the lewd glances of the viewers.>From here unravels the topic of the catastrophic constriction of private space, and the fig leaf could easily start denoting privacy instead of marking the Fall and exit from the Garden of Eden. '
Sponsored by Center for Contemporary Arts, Estonia & Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Liina Siib, “The Fig Leaf“, photo, 2002/2004