Kristina Norman on the 5th Berlin Biennial
bb5, Norman
05.04 - 15.06.2008
5th berlin biennial for contemporary art
Estonia is represented on the 5th berlin biennial for contemporary art with Kristina Norman’s video work “The Field of Genius” (2003). “When things cast no shadow”, the 5th berlin biennial for contemporary art, curated by Adam Szymczyk and Elena Filipovic, brings together artists from different generations and nationalities in an exhibition by day and night that aims to trace the diversity of art practices today. The night part of the biennial, entitled “Mes nuits sont plus belles que vos jours (My nights are more beautiful than your days)”, comprises 63 nocturnal acts involving artists (among them Kristina Norman) and other thinkers and takes place throughout the city.

This particular work by Norman, “The Field of Genius”, was chosen to bb5 after curators’ team research trip to Tallinn when meetings with different artists took place in the Center For Contemporary Arts, Estonia.
Norman’s "The Field of Genius" has been exhibited before in Tallinn in 2007 (in Tallinn Art Hall, group exhibition “New Wave”, curated by Anders Härm and Hanno Soans) and in 2003 (in Rotermann Salt Storage in the exhibition of diploma works by the students of Estonian Academy of Arts).