9.06.-4.11. 2001
Topic of the biennale: “Plateau of Humankind”
Curator: Harald Szeemann
Estonia was represented by Ene-Liis Semper and Marko Laimre.
Location of Estonia’s exposition:
La Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi – Centro di Cultura Musicale Superiore
Palazzo Giustinian Lolin
S. Vidal 2893
30124 Venice
Ene-Liis Semper was also invited (with her video “FF/REW”) to the International Exhibition in the Italian Pavillion, curated by Harald Szeemann.

Ene-Liis Semper, "FF/REW", video, 1998
The commissioner (commissario) of the Estonian exposition was Sirje Helme, the exhibition was coordinated by Center for Contemporary Arts, Estonia. The exposition was supported by Ministry of Culture and Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Exhibition catalogue was published by Center for Contemporary Arts, Estonia, containing articles about the artists (article about Ene-Liis Semper by Heie Treier and article about Marko Laimre by Anders Härm). The article to the Venice Biennial main catalogue is written also by A. Härm. Designer of the catalogue is Martin Pedanik.
Exhibited works:

Ene-Liis Semper, "Licked Room" (2000)

Ene-Liis Semper, "Stairs", 2000

Ene-Liis Semper, "Oasis", 1999

Marko Laimre, "Hunger", 2001
Marko Laimre, "In the Name of Terminal", 2001
Marko Laimre, "Untitled", 2001
Project catalogue: ENE-LIIS SEMPER / MARKO LAIMRE, Center For Contemporary Arts, Estonia 2001, ISBN 9985-9321-1-0